Mr. Nigel Romano
Mr. Nigel L. Romano, B.Sc, M.Sc., MBA, C.A
Mr. Romano is a Chartered Accountant by profession with extensive experience in public accounting and banking across the globe from the Caribbean to Asia. Mr. Romano commenced his career as an Auditor at KPMG and today, holds the position of Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of JMMB Bank (T&T) Limited.
Mr. Romano holds a B.Sc in Management Studies, an M.Sc in Accounting from the University of the West Indies and an MBA from the Jack Welch Management Institute. He is also a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Trinidad and Tobago (ICATT).
Ms. Sonja Voisin
Ms. Sonja Voisin – B.Sc
Ms. Sonja Voisin currently holds the position of Director/Managing Director of Gulf Shipping Limited. Ms. Voisin is currently the President of the Shipping Association of Trinidad & Tobago. Ms. Voisin holds a BSc in marketing and her areas of expertise include securing and maintaining new business in the Maritime sector and developing strong networks with stakeholders.
Ms. Voisin is the Chairperson of the Finance & Board Tenders Committee and is a member of the Human Resources Committee.
Mr. Ross Alexander
Ross Alexander – Labour Representative
Mr. Alexander has served as a Director of NFM for many years. Mr. Alexander’s heart is in the labour movement and over the years has served and continues to serve in several positions including Chairman of the Caribbean Bauxite and Miners Federation, Education Officer for the National Trade Union Centre, 3rd Vice President of the Trinidad and Tobago Labour Congress and several positions including Secretary of the Seaman and Waterfront Workers Trade Union. Mr. Alexander unique perspective of both the labour and commercial aspects of NFM’s business has been invaluable over the years.
Mr. Alexander is a member of the Finance and Board Tenders Committee and a member of the Audit Committee.
Ms. Karen Shaw
Ms. Karen Shaw – B.Sc; M.Sc, EMBA
Ms. Shaw is the Tobago representative on the Board and brings to the Boardroom, her valuable experience in food manufacturing in both the private and public sectors. Ms. Shaw currently works as an Agro-Investment Specialist at the Division of Agriculture, Marine Affairs, Marketing and the Environment. She has had a long history in agriculture starting with the position of Food Technologist and then advancing to the position of Director of Marketing in the Marketing Department of the Division of Agriculture, Marine Affairs, Marketing and the Environment.
Ms. Shaw is a member of the Human Resources Committee and a member of the Audit Committee.
Mr. Shane Correia
Mr. Shane Correia – B.Sc; MBA
Mr. Correia is a high technology executive with successful achievements in digital and web site development including web programming, database design, system management, strategic marketing and implementation, print media, video animation, operations management, new business development and R & D management.Mr. Correia is a member of the Human Resources Committee and a member of the Finance and Board Tenders Committee.